We welcome Lynley Basset back to the show as she reveals two Sneak Peeks and some fantastic insight into the market right now.With open for inspection numbers rising in Ocean Grove and Leopold, it is little wonder that sales are starting to climb.Lynley provides some sage advice for buyers holding off from making a move as the offers come in.So listen in and find out about:1. SNEAK PEEKS: Two Announced2. OPENS: Which Properties Were Strongest3. MARKET: Lynley’s InsightsProperty of the Week* 112 Aldebaran Rd Ocean Grove* https://www.hayden.com.au/112-aldebaran-road-ocean-grove-3226/5232285/ To get ahead of the action, call or click below.* CALL ON 5255 1000* http://www.haydenoceangrove.com.au Never Miss a Show:* Download SPOTIFY* Search “ocean grove real estate”* Subscribe