A beautifully located property at 4/49 Hodgson Street went to auction over the weekend.Hugh McKewan is back on the show and was the man in charge at Saturdays auction. Listen to find out how it went if there is a new owner for the beachside location.Hugh also revealed two Sneak Peeks today following on from last Thursdays four Sneak Peeks, as well as highlighting the standouts from the Open for Inspections over the weekend.So listen to find out:1. AUCTION RESULT: 4/49 Hodgson St, Ocean Grove2. SNEAK PEEKS: Two Revealed3. OPENS: The StandoutsProperty of the Week* 33 Carroll St, Leopold* https://www.hayden.com.au/4930013/To get ahead of the action, call or click below.* CALL ON 5255 1000* http://www.haydenoceangrove.com.au Never Miss a Show:* Download SPOTIFY* Search “ocean grove real estate”* Subscribe