The interest in this auction leading up to the big day was strong to say the least.With its proximity to Geelong and it's large acreage, this property was always going to be keenly contested. In today's episode, listeners find out just how keenly it was fought out. Hayden's track record in Moolap continues from strength to strength and demonstrates that this region really is a hotspot.Also for the Earlybirds, two sneak peaks are revealed today. One in Ocean Grove, and the other in Clifton Springs.So find out:1. AUCTION: Moolap Auction Results2. SNEAK PEEKS: Two Revealed3. OPENS: What Was HotProperty of the Week* 41 Sommerdale Avenue, Ocean Grove * get ahead of the action, call or click below.* CALL ON 5255 1000* Miss a Show:* Download SPOTIFY* Search “ocean grove real estate”* Subscribe