The AFL Grand Final didn’t deter 19 groups filing through a Clifton Springs property on Saturday.The interest brought one party forward who made an offer which was accepted, leaving 18 other parties to consider today’s Sneak Peek as a very attractive alternative.Today’s Sneak Peek is back in Ocean Grove and priced in what we consider the hot or ‘hitting zone’. A price point that is in reach for a broad range of buyers and not expected to last very long.Also in today’s show, find out:* SNEAK PEEK: Nicely Priced in Ocean Grove* SOLD: What Sold Since Thursday* AUCTION: Two Coming Up in OctProperty of the Week* 6 Teatree Close, Ocean Grove* get ahead of the action, call or click below.* CALL ON 5255 1000* Miss a Show:* Download SPOTIFY* Search “ocean grove real estate”* Subscribe