Early signs the Spring market is beginning to take shape shone through over the weekend.Open-for-Inspection numbers sent a clear signal to current vendors and Hayden sales staff that the market is changing and who the winners will be.Offers were still being made this morning prior to going to air.In today’s episode, find out:1. OPENS: What Happened and What it Means2. OFFERS: Which Properties are in Demand3. MARKET: Signs the Market is Changing AgainProperty of the Week* 2/8 Beaver St, Ocean Grove* https://www.realestate.com.au/property-house-vic-ocean+grove-127399298To get ahead of the action, call or click below.* CALL ON 5255 1000* http://www.haydenoceangrove.com.auNever Miss a Show:* Download SPOTIFY* Search “ocean grove real estate”* Subscribe