The one and only Jason Miller is in the house. Jason is the author of five books that focus on the more practical side of magick - things like protections, reversals, financial sorcery, and erotic magic. And his latest book is right that wheelhouse too. It’s called The Elements of Spellcrafting: 21 Keys to Successful Sorcery. That, and Jason’s all-around magical mojo, forms the basis for our chat here.


The Elements of Spellcrafting at IndieBound Jason’s website Jason on Twitter Jason on Facebook Jason on Instagram



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Vestron Vulture - “I Want to be a Robot (Tribute to Giorgio Moroder)”



This podcast is produced in the Kingdom of Ohio and is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International.

Executive Producers: Mike K., Erick, Matt A., Carter Y., Mauricio G., Alyssa S., Daniel R.



Love yourself. Think for yourself. Question authority.

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