Ed Liu and I are blasting through Barstow with a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, and laughers at our disposal.

Ed is the host of Psychedelic Milk, one of my favorite podcasts, and the most downloaded psychedelic podcast on iTunes. Ed’s approach is fresh and clean, like an Outkast song. His podcast covers psychedelics from a more intimate perspective. Ed takes listeners along on his personal journey of Self discovery and development, from episode to episode. It’s definitely more spirituality than science, which is rare in the psychedelic podcast niche, but that’s what we’re all about here at Occulture.

Ed is joining us all the way from Hong Kong to drop this oral illustration of spiritual stimulation, so let’s go to our vulnerable space and curl up by this alchemical fire, because when Ed and I are on the microphone you best to wear your sweater, ‘cause this one’s cooler than a polar bear’s toenails. Oh hell, there I go again, talking that shit. So let’s just bend corners like we’re a curve, and cast this pod off into the center of that nerve, ‘cause your earholes are ‘bout to get served. Enjoy.





Podcasting costs money. Website maintenance, storage space, equipment, late night organic juice runs when we're up all night editing. Help us offset some of that cost by supporting the show monthly. This will also help us increase our storage space so we can provide longer episodes and more of them. Leave your name in a note and you and your support level will be recognized on air. We have seven levels of monthly support:

Initiate - $1.11 Astrologer - $3.33 Magician - $5.55 Alchemist - $7.77 Adept - $9.99 Shaman - $11.11 Ascended Master - $13.13


Don't want to support the show monthly? No sweat. You can make a one-time donation in an amount of your choosing.



Vestron Vulture - “I Want to be a Robot (Tribute to Giorgio Moroder)”












This podcast is produced in the Kingdom of Ohio and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/legalcode



love yourself // think for yourself // question authority

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