Here’s some bonus audio from a recent conversation with Greg Stewart, a 3rd-degree Blue Lodge Mason and a 32nd-degree Scottish Rite Mason. The audio quality is so-so because Greg was wearing a headset microphone that clicked and clacked, so apologies in advance for that. Regardless, there’s some good stuff in here, including some talk on podcasting as both occult practice and a contribution to The Great Work, as well as some chatter on conspiracy theories. Greg actually mentions reptilians, which made me chuckle, all things considered. And I may have gotten a bit personal in terms of my personal romantic history and why I started podcasting to begin with. It gets a little personal here too, and also in the outro. So I hope you stick this one out if only for that reason. Enjoy.



33. Greg Stewart // The Morals & Dogma of Freemasonry & Its Hermetic & Gnostic Influences “Masonic Traveler” by Greg Stewart “The Apprentice - A Treatise on the First Degree of Freemasonry” by Greg Stewart “Fellow of the Craft - A Treatise on the Second Degree of Freemasonry” by Greg Stewart



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LOVE yourself // THINK for yourself // QUESTION authority

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