Sir Michael Caine, the famed two-time Academy Award-winning English actor once said:  “There are only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.” Now that was a great comedic line and the Dutch are a fun and easy target, but I’m not kidding around today. I don’t use the word “Hate” lightly either and to make matters worse, those two things I hate are directly about religion and politics, the two untouchables for a proper party to be had. So let’s get it over with.The first thing I hate is going to make you want to turn off the radio, roll your eyes in irritation, and wonder what in the world is wrong with me. What is it? Gnosticism.  I hate Gnosticism! It is even spelled with a silent “G” which is annoying and if you don’t know what it means, stay around, because I hope you will learn to hate it too. It is evil, from the pit of hell, won’t go away, shows up in every culture and every generation, and wreaks havoc whenever it raises its nasty head.The second thing I hate came from the pen of a spoiled adult German boy running around in London after being kicked out France writing home to his more affluent relatives asking them to send money to support his indulgent rebellious lifestyle and writing. Untold millions of deaths can be traced back to this thing we know as Marxism. I hate Marxism!Wait. Isn’t this a show about Church? Where’s the love?Our guest today knows more about the two things I hate than most people in the world. He’s current. He’s relevant. He’s educated beyond impressive. He’s controversial. He’s honest. He’s real. He’s also a bit of a hero to me, so I may stuttering a bit during this interview realizing I can preach a sermon in one of his pauses and we don’t have that long. Dr. Voddie Baucham, Welcome to Church Hurts And.