George Niemann of Vision Pursue hands over the step-by-step manual for rewiring our brains for success. He discusses why that rewiring has to start with you, the individual and walks us the the “3 Ms” that alter our patterns of thinking. Finally, he emphasizes the importance of emotional regulation and reveals how to separate our thought processes from our feelings.
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Topics Discussed:
Intro – 0:01
George’s journey into neuroscience – 1:50
What shocked coaches of both women’s and men’s Final Four teams during George’s presentations to them? – 5:05
What is the “power of pressure”? Why does it force people to cheat and cut corners? – 7:50
What coping mechanisms are employees using in response to modern-day pressures? What happens in the brain and consequently the body? – 11:05
Who needs to improve at emotional regulation? Employees or their bosses? – 17:40
Why it’s important to recognize and label our emotional reactions to specific stimuli – 20:40
What are the “3 Ms”? How are they affecting workplace acceptance of neuroscience and improved emotional intelligence? – 24:00
How altering mindset and thought processes always start with you, the individual – 26:40
How mindset and mindfulness are altering performance levels – 32:15
How asking a different style of question can completely change a mindset – 36:50
How reframing striking out is helping young baseball players – 40:45
Why regulating your emotions is so important – 46:30
George’s contact details – 49:40