The guest on SLMA Radio,  A.J. Wilcox, founder and CEO of B2Linked tells us why LinkedIn is the best place for a B2B Marketer’s advertising spend.  He discusses:
How marketing is now a battle of databases
Why LinkedIn is the equivalent of renting the world’s largest database
The minimum monthly spend to get a business impact
How LinkedIn succeeds where Facebook and Google Ad Words fail
Why the LinkedIn average cost click at $6-$9 is a good buy
The Guest: A.J. Wilcox
An online marketer since 2007, A.J. Wilcox has managed hundreds of Google AdWords campaigns. He said, “I’ve always been fascinated by the lead quality from intent-based targeting. I love the concept of being present when customers are at the bottom of the funnel, and who are ready to make a purchase.”
About B2Link
LinkedIn allows advertisers the ability to target based on nearly all of the attributes of a professional’s LinkedIn profile. On top of this, we as professionals keep this source updated as a reflection of our careers and personal value. This means that advertising on LinkedIn becomes surgically accurate and allows you to reach prospective customers in ways not available from any other source.
Whereas intent-based targeting focuses on someone’s intent right now, LinkedIn’s audience-based targeting is exactly the opposite. You get your message out to the people who are the most qualified to buy. It’s a completely different side of the coin, but it generates prospects that have a higher propensity to convert deeper down the funnel, making them more valuable.
B2Linked has had hundreds of clients successfully advertise on the LinkedIn site.