Theresa Agovino
The second guest in our Return to Work Series is Theresa Agovino, workplace editor for the Society for Human Resource Management. Teresa McQueen talks with Theresa about what the workplace could look like in 2025.  Facebook and Twitter were one of the first companies to hire a Director of Remote Work to help manage the amount of people working remotely.  Another trend that Theresa says will continue is the push for diversity and inclusion. Theresa also believes that the COVID-19 pandemic has made companies think more about the health of their employees.

"Companies have realized that people can productivity work from home"

"It's made companies so much more aware of the health and safety of their employees"

- Theresa Agovino

Check out the Theresa's article mentioned in today's podcast :
What Will the Workplace Look Like in 2025
Workplace Perspective is a regular podcast series for employers and employees focusing on education, training, and the law to help organizations of all sizes develop and maintain successful employer / employee relationships.
Thank You To:
Theresa Agovino
Special Thanks To...
Paul Roberts
(Engineer/Associate Producer Extraordinaire!)
Melissa DeLacey
(Associate Producer Extraordinaire!)
Stephen Vercelloni
(Composer Extraordinaire! Today’s episode features the song Grifter)
James Bohannan & The Knave At Knight
(DJs & “Radio Angels” Extraordinaire!)
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© 2021 SAFFIRE LEGAL, PC. Workplace Perspective Raising the Bar at Workplaces ...