Bart and Letitia were back in the studio to discuss a hot topic - 7 money mistakes millionaires never make. Pulling these key lessons learned and best practices from several influential leaders, Bart and Letitia discuss these 7 key points to help guide you towards making more distinct decisions to help build wealth.
In this episode, you'll gain insight into these 7 money mistakes millionaires never make and why:
1. Don't waste money on fees.2. Don't ignore your credit score.3. Don't spend impulsively.4. Don't fall for marketing ploys.5. Don't try to beat the stock market.6. Don't have just one source of income.7. Don't keep up with the Jones's. 
The Zandbergen Report, where wealth strategies and investment wisdom collide, is led by host Bart Zandbergen, and is LIVE every Tuesday at 2pm on OC Talk Radio. The show is also available on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Spotify and Stitcher.
Interested in being a guest on The Zandbergen Report? Email [email protected].
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