RECORDED PRIOR TO EVENTS OF MAY 25, 2020. It can really get boring. It really can. What am I talking about? Race. Ethnicity. Bias, Bigotry. Almost seems passé. Ahhh. Now that may not seem like a compelling way to introduce a topic, but let me take a stab at making the point. Just for fun I decided to open a newspaper as I prepared for this show and see how long it would take me to find an article on the subject. I opened the Wall Street Journal. Remember we are talking about Race and Ethnicity and this is the Wall Street Journal. Guess how long did it took me to find an article on the subject? April 21 front page center column. Ready? Headline: ‘The French Are Very Bad at Picking Asparagus.’ Virus Imperils European Farming. The article go on to discuss how Covid-19 raises questions about the viability of an economic system built on borderless migration and a single marketplace—especially in the bloc’s agricultural industry.Now I am not new to such discussions living for the past 25 years in California who’s crops depend upon migrant workers. I just have a hard time talking about it in a politically correct way. Somehow nationalities, skin color, cultures and accents are going to be brought up and someone is going to get offended. The good news is we talk about Church here, so fortunately it will be totally different. Surely spiritual people who believe in Jesus are going to have better insights into Race & Ethnicity than the crazy world out there! To help us at Church Hurts And navigate these waters we have a very special guest. Dr. Jim Lee has bunch of impressive degrees including two masters and a non-mail ordered doctorate, is a licensed pilot, pastored churches all over the place and has a family photo looks like a stock image under multi-ethnic.Jim, I get so confused with this issue, I don’t know how to begin. Jim, Welcome to Church Hurts And.