Every company grows organically until it makes a decision to grow through acquisition, and that is the basis for this discussion about Laura Patterson's new book, Fast-Track Your Business: A Customer-Centric Approach to Accelerate Market

This book, (which I have read,) is a practical guide for growing any business, and all the while doing it with better shareholder return and faster revenue growth. During this interview, we asked Laura to tell us about the book and then focus on two of her favorite chapters. She chose: Upstream Marketing and Plan and Execute.

 Listen in: Buy the book.

Fast-Track Your Business: A Customer-Centric Approach to Accelerate Market Growth     Paperback – Released January 27, 2020

Kindle     $9.99       Paperback   $17.99

(From the description on Amazon) Ready. Set. Grow! Former football player and coach, Lou Holtz, once said: “In this world, you’re either growing or you’re dying, so get in motion and grow.” Most every company leader is in pursuit of growth. Growing companies are attractive. They’re attractive to partners, employees, and of course customers. If your company is not growing, then you and your shareholders are losing equity, profit, and employees. Growth doesn’t just occur–growth takes the right culture, processes, and discipline. Most importantly growth takes intent and deliberate focused action.

Growth is a result of solving customer problems at the right time with the right solution with a story that resonates with the market. In Fast-Track Your Business, author Laura Patterson offers step-by-step guidance for acquiring customer insights, creating customer-centric outcomes, and developing strategies and measurable executable plans. Fast-Track Your Business provides a customer-centric framework for choosing and navigating a sustainable path forward—a system that creates momentum and accelerates organic market growth.

 Abou the author Laura Patterson

Laura Patterson is the author of three previous business books: Gone Fishin' - A Guide to Finding, Hooking, Keeping, and Growing Profitable Customers (sold out); Measure What Matters: Reconnecting Marketing to Business Goals (sold out); and Marketing Metrics in Action: Creating a Performance Driven Marketing Organization[LP1] .

Today she is at the helm of VisionEdge Marketing, founded in 1999, and is recognized as one of the pioneers and authorities in the Marketing Performance Management (MPM) discipline. The company specializes in helping companies apply data, metrics and proven best-in-class practices to improve Marketing effectiveness, deliver business impact, and enable better business decision-making.Her Company: VisionEdge Marketing

VisionEdge Marketing enables organizations to accelerate revenue and create a competitive advantage by leveraging data, analytics, processes, and alignment to address marketing accountability and operations, to measure and improve marketing performance, to develop dashboards that foster fact-based decisions about markets, customers, and products, and to enhance marketing and sales collaboration.


SLMA Radio is hosted by James Obermayer of Funnel Media Group which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel.  Funnel Media Group is the sponsor of SLMA Radio