If you think that politics is just too polarized and tribal to even talk anymore (much less tackle the real issues facing us today), then you'll be encouraged by the quiet work of the Citizen's Climate Lobby, a non-partisan group with chapters across the country that is designed to bring all sides together around constructive climate change legislation (like their innovative carbon tax and dividend idea to help us wean ourselves off fossil fuels, using the increasing carbon tax to provide a "carbon dividend" back to ordinary people to help pay for this transition from one energy source to another).  They've even created bi-partisan House and Senate CLIMATE CAUCUSES with members like Democratic Senators Debbie Stabebow and Tammy Baldwin (from Michigan and Wisconsin) along with Republicans Marco Rubio from Florida and Susan Collins from Maine to talk about these issues and consider bi-partisan solutions. Amazing!  Learn more about all that they're doing by tuning into this week's OC SPOTLIGHT here on OC TALK RADIO including their upcoming Southern California Regional Conference Saturday, Feb.21 and Sunday, Feb. 22 at Cal State-LA.  Or visit their site www.citizensclimatelobby.org