Show Notes  I am most interested in our show today because there is a lesson for everyone in this episode. My guest, Richard Ward, and I plan to discuss how to plan for the future in your life, whether you are 20 or 70. First of all, Richard Ward is an expert in this field. He is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ with a passion for helping people find their purpose in life. Richard believes that the secret to living life well and leaving a lasting legacy is found by making contributions in our communities that help others prosper. With more than 35 years of industry experience, Richard believes in taking a holistic approach to creating a financial portfolio that offers fulfillment and possibilities. A published author, Richard’s book Redefining Retirement: Finding Purpose and Passion for Your Second Half is filled with stories of people who have found their new purpose and passions for the second half of their lives Although today Richard works primarily with retired Business Executives, I have found his thoughts to be highly applicable to people of all ages, addressing the ever so troubling questions: What do you want to do with the rest of your life? For more with Charlie Hedges please visit