In the tenth ever episode of "Obsessed Right Now”, Heather talks with writer Danielle Sepulveres about how her childhood obsession resurfaced alongside her current obsession with the country of Iceland.   New episodes every Wednesday. What are you obsessed with right now? Tell Heather and she might suggest it on the show: [email protected] Rate and Subscribe on iTunes   //GUEST// Follow Danielle on Twitter: @ellesep Follow Danielle on Instagram: @daniellesep   // SOCIALS // Follow ORN on Twitter & Instagram: @obsessedRNpod Follow Heather on socials: @NerdHeather   // MUSIC //  Analise Nelson & Dax Schaffer, aka The Saxel Naiad You can download the theme song on their Bandcamp page!   // ART // Courtney Russell   // THANKS // Allie Hock from “Everything’s Totally Fine" Libby Spears & Bluprint Films Danielle Sepulveres   // MENTIONED ON THIS EPISODE // - A bunch of places in Iceland lol - Iceland Air - Blue Lagoon - Danielle’s piece for Brooklyn Magazine:  Isolation Is a form of Freedom: The Complementary Solitudes of Brooklyn and Iceland    

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