Practice Bulletin #183, Published October 2017 w/ co-host Sara Rosser, CPM (@sararosser)

1. PPH is defined as 1000 mL for either vaginal or cesarean birth.

2. Go with your gut in diagnosing PPH, and do it fast! You can't rely on vital signs or lab work to make the call to action in the acute setting.

3. Uterine atony is the most common cause of PPH. Manage through uterine massage, uterotonics, tamponade, and UAE. Opening up her abdomen to place compression sutures, ligate the uterine vessels, or perform hysterectomy are last resort!

4. Remember the triad of the amniotic fluid embolism: respiratory decompensation, hemodynamic instability, and DIC.

5. As soon as you feel that she's lost too much blood activate your institution's transfusion protocol. Remember that you can never get pre-screened blood fast enough when you actually need it.

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Theme music by Evan Handyside