Practice Bulletin #91 - Published October 2009 (Reaffirmed 2016)

1. E. coli are the most common bug in UTI.

2. Presence at at least 1,000 CFU/mL on culture or presence of leukocyte esterase or nitrite on UA, particularly if bacteria 2+ or greater in a symptomatic patient is pretty much a slam dank for UTI diagnosis

3. 3-day antibiotic course is sufficient for uncomplicated acute cystitis (trimethoprim-sulfamethaxazole is the preferred agent)

4. Treatment of pyelonephritis can be done as outpatient unless patient is very sick, in which hospitalization w/ parenteral antibiotics may be warranted

5. If symptoms persist beyond 7 days of antimicrobial therapy or if clinical condition worsens, further evaluation through repeat cultures and contrast imaging may be warranted.

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Wine pairing: 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon from La Freynelle

Theme music by Evan Handyside

Logo design by JD Dotson ([email protected])