"True Worship"
John 4:3–26
Pastor Nate Clarke
January 28, 2024
Part of WORSHIP Series

- John 4:3-26
- True Worship
- There are proper ways to worship and improper ways to worship 
- There are true worshipers God is seeking and false worshipers he isn’t
- John 4:23-24
- Matthew 15:8-9
- (6 worship pictures.)
- True worship isn’t about a location, it’s about WHOM and HOW we worship
- John 4:20-21
- John 2:19
- John 4:22
- True worship is directed at the right person: Jesus, the Son of God
- John 8:19
- John 5:23
- Luke 10:16
- You cannot offer true worship if you reject Jesus, the Son of God.
- (church worship picture + one Hindu worship picture. On two different slides)
- True worship is done in Spirit and in truth
- John 4:23-24
- True worship comes from within (Spirit) and is based on a true view of God (truth).
- John 3:5-7
- John 4:26
- Jesus came to make us into true worshipers 
- John 4:40-42

Oasis Church exists to help people see Jesus more clearly.
We are led by Pastor Nate Clarke and are located in Richmond, VA.

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