Isaiah 9:6; 53:5
Pastor Nate Clarke
December 17, 2023

Isaiah 9:6
- Isaiah 53:5
- Peace (shalom) “human well-being, prosperity, flourishing”
- Peace: “a relationship or circumstance void of conflict.”
- Prince of Peace: “the one who removes all peace-disturbing factors. The one who secures the peace.”
- We need peace because we have conflict with one another.
- Psalm 120:6-7
- We need peace because we have conflict with the world.
- We need peace because we have conflict within ourselves.
- Because of our sin, the root of all conflict is our conflict with God.
- Isaiah 48:22
- God created and there was peace.
- Man sinned and there was conflict.
- Romans 5:12
- Jesus came as the Prince of Peace to restore what was lost.
- Luke 2:13-14
- Romans 5:17, 19
- No peace with God = no peace
- Peace with God = true peace
- Mark 4:37-39 ESV
- When there is no peace in the water, peace is in the boat. 
- Future hope gives us present peace.
- God’s peace is peace that flows.
- Isaiah 66:12a
- Isaiah 48:18

Oasis Church exists to help people see Jesus more clearly.
We are led by Pastor Nate Clarke and are located in Richmond, VA.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oasischurchva/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OasisChurchRVA/
Website: https://oasischurch.online

Oasis Church exists to help people see Jesus more clearly.
We are led by Pastor Nate Clarke and are located in Richmond, VA.

Stay Connected:
Website: https://oasischurch.online
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oasischurchva/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OasisChurchRVA/