The O’Reilly Programming Podcast: The Java module system and the “start of a new era.”

In this episode of the O’Reilly Programming Podcast, I talk with Paul Bakker, senior software engineer on the edge developer experience team at Netflix, and Sander Mak, a fellow at Luminis Technologies. They are the authors of the O’Reilly book Java 9 Modularity, in which they call the introduction of the module system to the platform “the start of a new era.”

Discussion points:

The adoption and usage of the Java 9 module system: “This won’t happen overnight,” Mak says. “The community will see that when they’re creating new applications on top of Java 9, they will definitely be able to reap the benefits from the module system.”

Factors to consider when making a decision on whether to use the Java 9 module system or OSGi.

Issues regarding how to modularize existing code.

Frameworks that support the Java 9 module system: Bakker cites Vert.x, and Mak discusses Spring Framework 5.

Netflix’s edge architecture, the topic of Bakker’s presentation at the upcoming 2018 Software Architecture Conference.

Other links:

Bakker’s article “Handling dependency injection using Java 9 modularity

Mak’s blog post on what Java library maintainers should do to get ready for the Java 9 module system
The book Building Modular Cloud Apps with OSGi, by Paul Bakker and Bert Ertman

Mak’s presentation, Modules or Microservices, at the 2017 O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference

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