Oftentimes when clients see me, they are overwhelmed by all the information out there. Between social media, influencers, trendy supplements, and Dr. Google, information paralysis gets in the way. Do you relate? So many options and choices has caused you to feel like you're throwing a bunch of money and time down the drain? And the worst part is that it's not creating any progress for you! This episode is for you, then! I'm unraveling the general crappy advice I see and hear from the internet, client concerns, and fitness bros who aren't aware of the intricacies of women's hormones.

If you have any questions regarding this episode, follow me for more on instagram @eclectic.wellness


Want to begin this journey of foundational wellness to improve your digestion, work toward hormonal harmony, and regulate your nervous system? Join me inside Clear Channel, a 4-6 week journey I take all my clients on, that can be done completely on your own with the help of this course!

