I've been so excited to share this episode as I give you a deep dive into my gut healing journey this year. I've lived with IBS-C and IBS-D, alternating between the two, my entire life. It's become something I've just learned to manage. This year, I said EFF that. We're getting to the bottom of it. Through the exploration of myself through shadow work - I was led to the root of it all: unworthiness and it reveleased itself physically in the form of a diagnosis of Candida.

In this episode, I share how shadow + inner child work helped my physical protocol, making it so much more effective, as well as the emotions buried deep beneath my gut issues, and SO MUCH more. 

If this episode, interested you:

Check out my quiz; What Messages Does your Body Hold?

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Join me along my nootropic journey with Magic Mind. Use discount code: THIRDEYE14 for $$ off!

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