Kendra Barnes did all the right things, getting the degrees and landing that good government job. However, she knew there was more to life. After attending a party and playing the game CashFlow the world of real estate became a reality for her. Learn how she was able to retire in her 30s through real estate and how she is helping others do the same. Check out Acres: Inspiring Stories of 25 Real Estate Investors Who Are Normalizing Black Wealth One Acre at a Time and join her Facebook group for real estate investing resources and to engage with people making big moves in real estate investing.

About Our Guest:
Kendra Barnes is a full-time Real Estate Investor, founder of The Key Resource and author of Acres. Her real estate investments afforded her the ability to retire from the 9-5 life at the age of 32. She created The Key Resource to inspire, empower and educate people about the power of home ownership and Real Estate investment.

Her key message to anyone looking to buy a home or a rental property is: “You don’t have to hit the lottery or be left an inheritance to buy property. You can start with what you have right now. You are worthy of wealth.”

Kendra was born in Virginia, raised in Texas and went to undergrad at North Carolina A&T State University. She received her Masters in Agricultural Economics from Purdue University.

In her spare time she loves thrift shopping, baking gluten-free goodies and spending time with her husband and daughter.

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