How does social media affect young children? What is the parents role? We invited psychologist Madeline-Elena Juva and privacy expert, board member of Electronic Frontier Finland and founder & CEO of SensorFu, Mikko Kenttälä to share their thoughts.

How does social media affect children? What are the dangers? What is the parents role? We invited psychologist Madeline-Elena Juva and privacy expert, board member of Electronic Frontier Finland and founder & CEO of SensorFu, Mikko Kenttälä to share their thoughts.

Talked in the episode

The Honda ransomware attack: The tweet that sparked the speculations

News about the ransomware attack on Honda

Snake /Ekans ransomware

How Social Media Affects on Children

Vicarious trauma and OSINT – a practical guide

Cmd Hijack - a command/argument confusion with path traversal in cmd.exe

A summary explaining how a wallpaper can break a phone and why it happened

A tweet by Naomi Wu

The hacktivist group Anonymous hacked Chicago police radios to play NWA’s ‘Fuck Tha Police’

Twitter Mentions