On this episode of Nuketown Radio Active I revisit the button-smashing happiness of Diablo III, soak in the nostalgia of Sonic Mania, and catch up listeners on a few of my Dungeons & Dragons campaigns. After that I delve into a topic I never thought I’d talk about: how I became a runner (and the ... Read more

On this episode of Nuketown Radio Active I revisit the button-smashing happiness of Diablo III, soak in the nostalgia of Sonic Mania, and catch up listeners on a few of my Dungeons & Dragons campaigns.

After that I delve into a topic I never thought I’d talk about: how I became a runner (and the zombies that helped me do it)/

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Nuketown News

I participated in the RPG Brigade’s #RPGaDay2017 in August. Read all my responses in one convenient post. Topics included:

Day 1: What published RPG do you wish you were playing right now?
Day 2: What is an RPG you would like to see published?
Day 6: You can game every day for a week. Describe what you do.
Day 8: What is an RPG to play for sessions of 2 hours or less?

I’ve also been participating in RPG Blog Carnival. Recent topics include “Occult Mysteries”, “Megadungeons”, and “Things in the Dark”
This is the third new episode of Radio Active … so I’m releasing all three when the redesign site launches.


Is any body out there?

What I’m Playing Now

Diablo III: Button-smashing happiness, now on the Playstation 4.
Sonic Mania: A return to form for the classic side-scrolling platformer. I got it on Xbox One; it’s also available for PS4. It’s essentially Sonic 1, Sonic 2, and Sonic 3 with expanded levels and new features that are true to the speedster hedgehog.
Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition: Broken Land: A soon-to-be concluded lunchtime game. It’ll be replaced by the Princes of the Apocalypse adventure path.


Is any body out there?

Run, Geek, Run

I’m a runner. Never thought I’d say that.
I started running regularly in February 2015, mostly because I needed a form of exercise that wasn’t dependent on the gym. When I started, I couldn’t run a 1/3 mile without getting winded. Now I regularly run 3 miles.
I started with Zombies, Run, 5K training, which is a coach-to-5k training app … with zombies. The 5K version got me running, the regular version keeps me running. It includes seasons as well as special modes (e.g. 5K training) and virtual races.
Running isn’t for everyone … but it turns out it is for me.

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