Today I want to share some off the cuff thoughts on the latest developments in the crypto gaming world, macro landscape, payment technology trends & geopolitics. Recent events across the globe have really exposed the fragility of our financial system. Central banks & governments have had to step in & aggressively print money to avoid risking a contagion that spreads causing systemic collapse. With many countries in recession, the world is facing another global financial crisis, & if not contained a wider economic collapse. The problem is their tools are no longer effective as economic activity moves to a parallel online universe. Can they retain power or is a global economic reset coming sooner than we think? 

Free education & resources:

How To Become Your Own Bank:
Negative Interest Bonds:
War On Cash Explained:
Bail Ins & Confiscation:
2020 Recession Prediction:
Australia Coming Financial Crisis:
How Low Can Interest Rates Go:
2020 Gold & Silver Prediction:
2020 Bitcoin & Crypto Prediction:

Date of Recording: 11th July 2021


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❗ DISCLAIMER ❗ Alex Saunders is not a Financial Adviser. All opinions expressed by Alex Saunders or his guests in this video are for informational purposes only and should not be treated as investment or financial advice of any kind. Any information provided during the video is general in nature and does not take into account the viewers specific circumstances. Nugget’s News and its individual team members are not liable to the viewer or any other party, for the viewer’s use of, or reliance on, any information received, directly or indirectly, from the video in any circumstances.

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