How do you price your product? Do you painstakingly quiz consumers on what price will work for them? If so, you might be making a big mistake. In today's show, with pricing expert Leigh Caldwell, we explain the science behind pricing strategies that work. We'll cover the decoy effect, how to increase prices without losing buyers and the power of free. 

Leigh's book The Psychology of Price: 

Leigh's agency: 

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How do you price your product? Do you painstakingly quiz consumers on what price will work for them? If so, you might be making a big mistake. In today's show, with pricing expert Leigh Caldwell, we explain the science behind pricing strategies that work. We'll cover the decoy effect, how to increase prices without losing buyers and the power of free. 

Leigh's book The Psychology of Price: 

Leigh's agency: 

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