Previous Episode: #025 - E3 2016

This week, the clan discusses Heavy Rain. Enjoy!

Heavy Rain is an interactive drama action-adventure video game developed by Quantic Dream in 2010. Heavy Rain is a noir thriller, with four different characters the player takes control of, each of these characters are involved with the case of a serial killer who uses rain water to drown his victims.

The players decisions and actions made during the game affect the story. main characters can be killed, and certain actions can lead to different scenes and endings. Heavy Rain was a critical and commercial success, it won several game of the year awards and selling over three million copies.

It was re-released for the ps4 with enhanced graphics and resolution. Heavy Rain uses technology that was used in a demo at E3 2006 called The Casting included full body and facial motion capture, real-time tears and wrinkles on the face, advanced skin shaders, and some advanced rendering features, such as depth of field, spherical harmonics, auto exposure and high dynamic range rendering. The technology enables animations of pupil dilation, tongue, eyes, fingers, and dynamic hair with physics.


                               Craig                   Joe

Story                         7                         6

Gameplay                   8                         6

Design                        9                         9

Sound/Music                9                         9

Replayability                6                         10