Previous Episode: #001 - The Games we Play
Next Episode: #003 - Pirating Games

This week, Kaleb Craig and Cameron have finished Fallout 4! We start things off with getting a little background on everyones Fallout experience. Joe was consumed by Fallout 3, wasting almost an entire day to it's glory. Kaleb Schweiss, on the other hand, was screwed out of too many hours, and abandoned ship. Kaleb Craig and Cameron have an extensive love of Fallout 3, and were the perfect candidates for reviewing Fallout 4. Once we have everyone's background, we move on to reactions to the announcement of Fallout 4. We discuss initial reactions, which of course varied. Kaleb and Cameron then do a rundown of the story in Fallout 4. They give us the gist, including epic spoilers at the end of the game, and compare it to the third Fallout. WE head on over to the most important function in a video game, it's gameplay. We discuss the ups and downs of Fallout 4's gameplay elements, and move on towards the design of the game. From an outsider perspective, Joe wasn't too impressed with this games visuals, but Kaleb and Cameron praised it in return, citing the unique character models as a move in the right direction. Fallout 4's soundtrack is a mixture of atmospheric music, and oldies tunes. This sets the mood for the game in a decent manner, but Cameron found the music overbearing during cut scenes, claiming that he couldn't hear dialogue at times. The guys then touch on the games replayability, which is stellar in their opinion. Overall, Nude Clan gives Fallout 4 an 80/100. Here's the breakdown.

                   Kaleb Craig        Cameron

Storyline              6                     8

Gameplay            9                     8

Design                 8                     8

Music/sound         7                     6

Replayablility      10                     10

Overall               40/50             40/50

                 Nude Clan Official Score: 80/100