Interview w/Shaun Burnie, nuclear consultant to Friends of the Earth, U.S. and Greenpeace, Germany; new Chernobyl structure started to replace sarcophagus, but radiation released by digging at 100 to 1000 times normal; in India, Koodankulam activists resume hunger strike against nuclear power; California nuke-free after jellyfish-like salps jam water intake pipes and shut down Diablo Canyon; 90% of Japanese urine samples contaminated w/cesium within 200 kilometers of Fukushima; Vermont Yankee protesters breach security before arrest... and release; NIRS protests NRC's Svnicki's attempt to re-up for another 5 years as Commissioner while Beyond Nuclear spearheads protest of Washington Post pro-nuke editorial that labels Fukushima "non-catastrophic;' and Arnie Gundersen of tells us exactly how to shut down the entire U.S. nuclear industry (hint: it's a "capital" idea)!