Nuclear Hotseat celebrates its 4th Anniversary with a look back at where how it started and where it goes from here, with the amazing revelation that the show was heard in 58 countries in May! INTERVIEWS: Erica Gray fills us in on the proposed high burn-up fuel storage tests proposed for North Anna in Virginia... only 11 miles from the epicenter of the 2011 5.8 east coast earthquake. And Diane Turco of Cape Cod Downwinders reports directly from the four-day protest March for the Children from Cape Cod to the State House in Boston to raise awareness of the safety failings at Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Station. NUMNUTZ: Ain't no way nuclear reactors will ever be considered "aesthetically pleasing." PLUS: High alpha radiation in Los Angeles, US government calls Fukushima so fragile that at any moment it could "turn globally catastrophic"; and Canada delays its approval of $1B nuke waste dump on shores of Lake Huron until after its elections - wouldn't want to upset the results, now would we?