INTERVIEWS: Two looks across the Pacific at the fate of the USS Ronald Reagan after being hit with the heaviest of Fukushima's radiation: Mr. Masahiko Gotu on legal actions to prevent the US and Japanese government's plans to home port the Reagan in Yokusuka; and southern California veteran activist Carol Jahnkow with the background on the history of nuclear ships in San Diego, where the Reagan is currently docked, and the dangers posed by our atomic fleet. NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK: Did the Japanese government actually think the cities currently storing contaminated waste would be willing to extend their commitment past the originally promised three years??? PLUS: Typhoon Vongfong threatens Fukushima Daiichi with record rain, storm surges and possible tornadoes as last week's Typhoon Phanfone caused radiation surges of up to 10 times previous records; California's "top energy cop" Michael Peevey resigns from Public Utilities Commission... but not before he still gets a chance to swing San Onofre decision in favor of a Southern California Edison bailout; new languaging "spin speak" from the nuke industry outed by Beyond Nuclear; and Ralph Nader taps Michael Mariotte of NIRS for a Lifetime Achievement Award. Mazel tov, Michael!