INTERVIEW: Alex Rosen, a German pediatrician who is Vice President of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War in Germany and a former Vice chair of the International IPPNW Board of Directors. He uses that organization's recently published Critical Analysis of the UNSCEAR radiation report on Fukushima to decode its flawed methodology and demolish its credibility. NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK - kids "education" program from Fukushima City government, "Let's Build a Radiation Resistant Body!" contains nothing but measures guaranteed to expose the kids to more radiation. Why does Japan so hate its children? PLUS: WIPP management gets a monetary bonus for "excellence" five days before radleak shuts it down, possibly forever; PM Abe-baby vows to reopen nukes in Japan "by some means or another;" and three separate US nuclear facilities inspire another "DUCK! and Cover" report.