INTERVIEWS: Don Hancock from Southwest Research and Information Center returns to update us on the leak of Plutonium and Americium from the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in Carlsbad New Mexico. Dr. Catherine Euler of Mamabears Against Nukes gives us the rundown on how to interpret the WIPP radiation data. Mimi German, Ms. RadCast Herself, offers insight into those pesky "now they work/now they don't" EPA radiation monitors. And Chizo Hamada shares international Fukushima 3 Anniversary events. PLUS: 84-year-old Sister Megan Rice asks the judge to sentence her to life in prison for her non-violent peace demonstration at the supposedly secure Y-12 nuclear facility; Second safety-conscious Hanford manager fired after she spoke out for - wait for it! - safety! Georgia's planned new Vogtle reactors reeive $6.5 billion in federal loan guarantees; Fukushima Unit 4 cooling system stops for four hours; high levels of cesium found in Fukushima reservoirs used for agriculture; and Ukraine rebels capture Rosnov Nuclear Power Plant... then don't know what to do with it. Oy!