Contrary to Internet rumors and hysteria over the holidays, the sky is not falling, Fukushima #3 has not had and is not in danger of an explosion, the US has not been nuked with excruciatingly high levels of radiation and the beaches of California do not glow in the dark. Solid information on radiation from Sean Bonner of Safecast and Mimi German of RadCast. Plus a post by Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education on what that steam from Unit 3 really means. PLUS: Japanese government and Fukushima Medical University signed secret pact w/IAEA to keep info secret; TEPCO restructuring so it can keep making profits while blowing it at Fukushima; more species collapse, including bald eagles and nonexistent sardines; plutonium dump in ocean 50 miles from San Francisco; and Russia does a better job protecting its citizens from Fukushima radiation than the US does.