What's scarier than Nuclear? Join the spooky terror as activists from both coasts share their worst nuclear fears. Then hear from experts from the October 19 Community Symposium on Decommissioning San Onofre to hear the most frightening information about nuclear waste as part of the Nuclear Hotseat Halloween Fright House! PLUS: 7.3 Quake damage at Fukushima suspected; TEPCO resorts to slave labor to get workers into the danger zone; Caldicott/Gundersen/Yablokov letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon delivered, results not yet noticed; Japanese PM Abe-baby pushing Secrecy Act through Parliament; Pacific ocean rad-plume predicted to hit west coast of North America in 2014; and for those who can't wrap their heads around the ongoing damage to human health from Fukushima radiation, how about them dead horses?