SPECIAL REPORT: On-the-scene reporting on two top level east coast anti-nuclear events held last week featuring Ralph Nader, former Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, former NRC Chair Gregory Jaczko, former NRC Commissioner Peter Bradford, Fairewinds Energy Education's Arnie Gundersen, and via tape, Jean-Michel Cousteau. The topic : Fukushima Nuclear Accident: Ongoing Lessons. The New York event focused on the Indian Point NPP and the one in Boston on Pilgrim NPP. Inspiring, infuriating, motivating -- the perfect reason to take action NOW! PLUS: A new feature, The Abe-Baby Report! covering the ongoing wacky actions of current Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as he tries to cover up the existence and impact of the ongoing Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster to the International Olympic Committee even as he actually breaks down to ask the world's scientific and technological community for help. Mission Accomplished, anyone?