Hiroshima and Nagasaki Anniversary. Interviews wth Fukushima survivor Chikako Nishiyama and San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace organizer Carole Hisasue on the northern California commemorative events. NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK: UC Berkeley professor claims Fukushima radiation "no problem" for USA while EPA spokesidiot claims "Any kind of release i Japan would be non-detectable here!" Flat Earth Society, anyone? PLUS: TEPCO admits radiation at Fukushima up 47 TIMES since just last week and they haven't a clue why; company admits the situation is "bleak." Yet Japanese government allows residents to "come home" to Fukushima (for what, to get more radiation exposure?); TEPCO games leukemia compensation program for workers so only four of almost 10,000 qualify; Palisades NPP in Michigan leaks radioactive water into Lake Michigan - again; Farley in Alabama at ALERT when former award-winning thermal seals prove defective; St. Louis landfill fire breaches fire line on way to nuclear waste dump; Duke cancels Levy in Florida but ratepayers sucked dry to the tune of $300 million; and the nuclear fight in Taiwan gets physical.