Two years ago, the Ft. Calhoun nuclear reactors near Omaha were surrounded by an inflatable berm that was surrounded by flood-level water - a veritable island of nukes. What's happened since? Nebraska energy activist LaVerne Traen fills in the picture, and like all things nukes, it's not a pretty one. PLUS: Fukushima radiation levels soaring for unexplained reasons; TEPCO failings revealed by Japanese comedienne; Japan's Labor Democratic Party pushes for nuke restarts and nuke-adjacent mayors agree; rats attack Fukushima Daiini; Japan selling nuke technology to Vietnam (what could possibly go wrong?!?); scandal brewing as North Anna operator covered up existence of fault lines to NRC; and SanO operator SCE bemoans nuke shutdown as it dumps chemicals into ocean and buys a solar company. Mixed metaphor, anyone?