During the Oslo Innovation Week at the end of September, I interviewed Israeli entrepreneur and investor, Eshel Lipman, founder of Ignite the Spark - a community that promotes EnergyTech in Israel.

In this episode, Lipman shares insights into his journey from engineering in Australia to founding an energy tech startup, and the intricacies of Israel's energy landscape. We talk about the shift from coal to natural gas and the country's renewable energy goals. Despite abundant sunshine, Israel faces challenges in expanding solar energy due to grid congestion and geographical constraints. Lipman also touches on Israel's electric vehicle market, noting the slow adoption rate and the need for better public transportation infrastructure.

The episode concludes with a discussion on the future of Israel's energy transition. Lipman underscores the necessity of regulatory and grid reforms to accelerate the deployment of solar and energy storage solutions. He envisions Israel as a burgeoning source of energy tech innovation, attracting global attention and investment, and contributing significantly to the global energy transition.