If you have been saved for any length of time, you likely remember the 'WWJD' yellow wrist bracelets that were so popular many years back, and everyone was walking around asking the question 'What Would Jesus Do?' in a given situation. Many are surprised to learn that that originally came from a book written in 1896 by Charles Sheldon called 'In His Steps'. 'In His Steps' was right in line with the times that Charles Sheldon lived in as preachers like D.L. Moody were holding revivals attended by tens of thousands of people at any given service, and a huge focus was placed on not simply preaching to the lost, but feeding them as well and attending to some of their earthly needs. Sheldon's book was an immediate hit because it brought to life the biblical command we see in the writings of Paul, John and Peter to walk in the steps of the Lord Jesus. Jesus told Peter to follow him to the cross, and he did. Jesus told Paul to follow him to his death, and not only did Paul do that, he then calls us to follow him for an ensample. The command for the Body of Christ is to follow the steps of the Lord Jesus, and today I would like to bring you a message about walking in His steps. What would Jesus do? The Bible has the answer!