In this episode, we look at all the 10%+ ownership players to decide if they are a "stud" or a "dud". In this marathon episode, we look at the slam dunk options like Nathan Cleary and Kaeo Weekes, along with some high ownership mistakes like Payne Haas and Nicho Hynes, along with some strategy around "place holders" and the ever so predictable off topic chats around the Silly Salmon, the not so Carty party and much more.

To assist with finding the players you are interested in we have added some timestamps below:

Introduction (00:00:00)
Cleary (00:01:45)
Weekes (00:03:44)
Haas (00:06:30)
Papenhuyzen (00:10:13)
Curran (00:13:48)
Burbo (00:15:50)
Willison (00:19:21)
Piakura (00:22:33)
Hughes (00:25:13)
Strange (00:29:16)
Cotter (00:30:43)
Iro (00:33:40)
Grant (00:38:24)
Walsh (00:43:54)
HTF (00:47:32)
Mam (00:52:17)
Chevy (00:54:46)
Wong (00:56:20)
Ponga (00:57:20)
Flano (01:08:16)
BTK (01:18:46)
Hynes (01:21:06)
Arthars (01:29:54)
Leniu (01:33:15)
Geyer (01:35:42)
JC (01:36:22)
Cheese (01:38:24)
Xerri (01:42:13)
J. Carty (01:43:20)
Kini (01:46:25)
Hands (01:48:00)
Taaffe (01:49:06)
Hopgood (01:50:52)
Salmon (01:59:38)
Fog (02:02:09)
Lane (02:06:34)
SJ (02:08:38)
Cotric (02:14:08)
Robson (02:14:54)
Tatola (02:16:52)
Murray (02:20:22)
Berrell (02:27:06)
RTS (02:27:25)