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We are in this thing together and in everything we do, we must exalt Jesus. Just because the recent revival is over doesn’t mean we ... [Read more...]

The post Who Will Help Me? first appeared on NPPBC.

We are in this thing together and in everything we do, we must exalt Jesus. Just because the recent revival is over doesn’t mean we should stop growing or getting stronger. We can’t help others if we are as sick as they are. We should not be divided or separated by other things.

Nehemiah 2

We’ve got a work to do.

Magnify the Lord

The more of us that begin to magnify the Lord the more of His presence will be with us. It’s the most important thing we can do. With a microscope, the object is magnified yet the object stays the same size. God is the same today, yesterday, and forevermore. The Bible itself will stay the same and yet we should examine it closely and in detail. As with a microscope, there is always a light source and the light of the Bible is God. When a person comes in the door of the church they should just hear about God from the preacher but the entire congregation. The body of Christ should assume the responsibility to magnify Jesus Christ.

Who is Christ?

Lily of the Valley
Rose of Sharon
Bright and morning star
Ark of salvation
Ram in the thicket
Fire by night and cloud by day
Kinsmen redeemer
Hands full of faith
Good Shepard
The fourth man in the fire
Great physician
Merciful savior
Sovereign judge
First and last
Alpha and Omega
The beginning and the end
The He that liveth, and was dead, and is alive forevermore, and has the keys of death and of Hell
The Way
The Truth
The Life
The light and in Him there is no darkness
Elder brother
The mighty God
The everlasting Father
The prince of peace
Son of God
Only-begotten of the Father
Blessed healer
The anointed One
The Faithful and True
Sovereign Creator
Spotless Lamb that taketh away the sin of the world
The friend that sticks closer than a brother
Lord of lords
King of kings
He is He that openeth and no man shutteth, and shutteth and no man open
The amen
True witness

When using a microscope one must focus the eyepiece to make the object clear. In studying His word we must focus on His word. This takes work. Examine the book. One can’t just shake the diamonds out of the book, you’ve got to dig for them. When you come into the house of God you should have been mining in His word during the week. This isn’t just reading chapters but studying them out.

Not only do we need to examine the Lord but we also need to exalt Him. If He is lifted up He will draw all men unto Him. You mine the treasure you should want to share it. It doesn’t do anyone any good to stick it in your pocket and hide it.

We should also experience Him. Stop eating off someone else’s plate and get it for yourself. He’s got plenty to give so get yourself some of your own. Is He not good? It ought to be a feast of glory each time we come into the church house.

The post Who Will Help Me? first appeared on NPPBC.