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When Jesus was born things were shaken up. God gave Abraham laws that were the foreshadowing of Jesus Christ. Once Jesus came those laws were ... [Read more...]

The post Unshakeable first appeared on NPPBC.

When Jesus was born things were shaken up. God gave Abraham laws that were the foreshadowing of Jesus Christ. Once Jesus came those laws were put away.

Hebrews 1:8; The Kingdom of God. Things of this world that are established no matter how strong they seem can be brought to their knees. God’s kingdom can not be shaken and nothing is able to take it down. How can this help you? This is an encouragement to the saved because the thrown of God can never be taken down and we are His.
Psalm 119:89; The Word of God. God has given us His breath that has the power to save and to keep. It’s forever settled and no man can change it. Even though people have tried to change it, it will always be. Our faith is shakeable and always will be. But His Word never fails.
Matthew 16:18; The Church of God. We do not and did not create the foundation of the church, God did. If God created the foundation of the church then the church of Jesus Christ is not going down but going up. It will be delivered in the end time. There is nothing that the devil or anyone else can do to destroy the church of God. God fights our battles because we as His bride will be forever with Him.
1 John 2:17; The People of God. The children of God will forever abide because they have been sealed by His forgiveness. We will never fail as long as we do the will of God. We have instruction from God and we should live according to those instructions. Though the world around us that we have treasured are slowly being taken away God’s children are the winners.

God never intended us to look to those things that are material because they are temporal and will fade away. Just as our lives are here today and gone today, those material things are as well. God is the only thing that will be here and will never go away.

The post Unshakeable first appeared on NPPBC.