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We can’t stop just because we get tired. To be in the Christian race one must be saved first and foremost. At times, the race ... [Read more...]

The post To Finish The Race first appeared on NPPBC.

We can’t stop just because we get tired. To be in the Christian race one must be saved first and foremost. At times, the race can be hard. The Spartan race is one that is very demanding. Our Christian race is similar to this race because we carry tough things in our lives.
In order to first be in a race, one must sign up. After that, the training begins. Much work must be done to be in a race to be in shape. Being a Christian is just the same. One must become a Christian. After that, a Christian’s training begins by reading the Word of God, praying, and fasting. If we eat the things of the world then we will begin to be full of the world and harder to train and be in the race. The reason a race is difficult is that it’s a battle.
The flesh doesn’t like the race. It’s hard and difficult. But we must have discipline. One can’t just sit along the sideline and watch the others race. We must finish the race that has been set before us. There are others watching us whom we will give an answer.
Anything that slows you down and keeps you from running the race needs to be removed. These things are obstacles in our path that will drag you down or cause you to stumble in your race. The race that you run with God is much more important than your race with the devil.
Until your death happens you will be in your race. It’s your duty to run your race for Christ. If you run your race with all striving towards God, great will be your reward. Unlike worldly races where only one or three people are declared the winner, anyone and everyone that is a Christian running their race will be a winner. Run with all your might. Do everything that God asks you to do. God will never forsake you. He will not put more on you than you can bear. He is always there when you feel you just can’t keep going. The world can take everything from you but they can NEVER take Jesus from you.The post To Finish The Race first appeared on NPPBC.