Previous Episode: Why The Way Is Often Long

Often times we make mistakes when we repent. We usually repent of what we did and not why we did it. Sin has a hard ... [Read more...]

The post The Why is as Important as the What first appeared on NPPBC.

Often times we make mistakes when we repent. We usually repent of what we did and not why we did it. Sin has a hard time hiding. The motive is oftentimes not dealt with. We can blame a lot of things on our tempers but the root of the problem is why we sinned. We have the tendency to say it was the devil’s fault but we had a choice. If the why isn’t dealt with then we will surely sin again.

Acts 8

We’ve read the story about the couple that lied. Now they knew they lied but the real blame was why they lied. God knows the why and He also knows the what. It’s a product of our own lust usually as to why we sin. 

Simon wanted to purchase the power of God. He was told to repent not because he wanted the power of God but because bitter with iniquity.

The rich young ruler was told to sell everything he had. It wasn’t his possessions, it was that he couldn’t let go of himself.

We should be willing to change. Ask God to reveal the why’s in our lives. The Word of God is the answer to our own sinful nature.

Hebrews 4:12; the Word of God is fast and alive. 


Quick means alive and not dead. Light is the fastest thing on earth yet the Word of God is even faster. You can try to run from it but it will beat you there. The Word of God is also the final authority and it can not be changed. 


It’s powerful enough to convict, convert, and comfort. We are powerless. God has all power. He created everything we see and know, yet we can’t create anything new no matter what we try to create. He gave sight, hearing, muscle strength, and even raised the dead. 


The only thing that the apostle knew to compare to was a sword. He spent more time on the sharpness of the Word of God. There is no one that can get beyond the sharpness of God. It can divide the soul and the spirit. We as humans are three parts, body, soul, and spirit. The should is the seat of our affections or desires. When you say you love/hate someone, it’s coming from the soul. When you die, the soul dies also. It’s not difficult to comprehend the flesh, body. The body and soul are sinful. We often contribute the soul as the heart yet it’s not the heart but the thinking, the mind of you. The Word of God can separate the two, mind and spirit. This sharpness goes beyond anything we can comprehend today. When we think of something sharp we could think of the laser yet a laser can only cut what it can see. The part that will continue to live after death is the spirit and God is able to separate it at death from the body.


The Word of God is able to discern the thoughts and the intents of our heart or soul. Before you choose to sin He knows the why and the what of the sin. The Word of God is not a what but a who.

Hebrews 4:13; get them in the house of God, whatever it takes.

Every person is naked, fully exposed to God. No one is covered by anything when the Word of God is on the scene. Just the thought of being naked and around others is uncomfortable. God can strip away what we use as a covering of our hidden sins to others and ourselves. Once He does we are embarrassed, uncomfortable, and want to do something about it. The Word will expose what you need to deal with.

We need to be cleaned of our sins from our body, mind, and soul. The Word of God is the only thing that can clean these things. We have underestimated how quick, powerful, sharp, and discerning God truly is.

The post The Why is as Important as the What first appeared on NPPBC.