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2 Samuel 9:3-4; Has God not been good to us? How He loves us even though we don’t love Him. The sun rises every day, ... [Read more...]

The post The Kindness of God first appeared on NPPBC.

2 Samuel 9:3-4; Has God not been good to us? How He loves us even though we don’t love Him. The sun rises every day, we keep breathing and yet we don’t deserve it.

He fetched him

David went after Mephibosheth and this shows us the kindness of God. God came to us while we had no right to Him. We don’t go to God to get saved but He comes to us and invites us. How would you even get to God if you’re lost?

Experience Him

There are some that’s never experienced the presence of God yet He’s always around. They attend a church with a powerful spirit and leave untouched.

He knows your name

God calls you by name and you know it. When He calls your name it will not be with your ear but your spirit you will hear it. You will know it.

Fear not

God doesn’t want you to be afraid however once you know you’re lost it should terrify you that you could enter Hell and live there forever. You are here, by divine providence for you to hear the word and love of God.

A great inheritance

We do not have an inheritance before we are saved. However, after salvation, our inheritance is changed to Heaven. Regardless of what you think your inheritance will be once you’ve been saved, it goes way beyond that.


When you are saved, God doesn’t just appoint you to a position to serve, He adopts you as one of His own.

Have you believed in Christ? Have you ever wondered, does it not get better than this? Children around us are overdosing on drugs and alcohol. How sad. Does it not get better than this? When He comes to you and calls your name, don’t reject His call.

For those that are saved, have you ever thought about your inheritance? Think about your life, if your father had millions of dollars what you could inherit. If you’re saved, that million means nothing at the time of your death. Heaven, a place that’s made of precious jewels that the streets we will walk on are made of pure gold. One answer as to why he would call us one of His own, Grace. There is no value that one can place on Christ and what took place at Calvary. God gave His ONLY begotten son so that WHOSOEVER would believe in Him will be saved.

David couldn’t fix his feet which made him a cripple forever. A cripple is what we are as long as we are here on this earth. A cripple is someone that relies on someone else’s mercy and help. Just like a cripple, we as a saved person is relying on God’s mercy and help therefore we are forever grateful. There is never a time that He’s never there. Always there, always helping, always giving help, and always showing mercy.

The post The Kindness of God first appeared on NPPBC.